Select Rec and Travel Leagues We Play In
We currently participate in the following leagues: for Select Rec we place teams in the Anne Arundel Youth Soccer Association (AAYSA), and Travel teams through Takoma Soccer and Arundel Soccer Association, the National Capitol Soccer League.
AAYSA is a select recreational soccer league that enrolls approximately 5000 players each season. This large number of players permits them to offer multiple divisions of play which allows individual teams to find an appropriate level of challenge. Play at the Division 1 and A levels within AAYSA is appropriate for teams following a year-round soccer program either currently involved in travel leagues or intending to make that transition shortly.
NCSL is the largest local soccer league with multiple divisions in all age groups for both boys and girls.
AAYSA League Rules
NCSL League Rules
We currently participate in the following leagues: for Select Rec we place teams in the Anne Arundel Youth Soccer Association (AAYSA), and Travel teams through Takoma Soccer and Arundel Soccer Association, the National Capitol Soccer League.
AAYSA is a select recreational soccer league that enrolls approximately 5000 players each season. This large number of players permits them to offer multiple divisions of play which allows individual teams to find an appropriate level of challenge. Play at the Division 1 and A levels within AAYSA is appropriate for teams following a year-round soccer program either currently involved in travel leagues or intending to make that transition shortly.
NCSL is the largest local soccer league with multiple divisions in all age groups for both boys and girls.
AAYSA League Rules
NCSL League Rules