Coaching Curriculum
All coaches in Greenbelt SA are provided with weekly plans emailed to them through an arrangement with Youthsoccer101. These are well developed plans that include animations of the sessions. Also, since the spring 2013 season the more experienced coaches in Greenbelt Soccer Alliance have been using coaching manuals provided by SoccerSource360. These manuals are designed to provide, year by year, technical and tactical training appropriate for our young players as they progress upward in age from U9 and going through U14. For beginning coaches and groups younger than U9 we follow coaching plans offered by the Soccer Association for Youth that emphasize the play in soccer at a level appropriate for these early age groups. Coaching manuals developed by US Youth Soccer are also available for U6/U8, U10 and U12 and offer excellent guidance for coaches of all backgrounds. These curriculum materials are all consistent with the national soccer curriculum developed by US Soccer Federation and provides a consistent set of concepts and training styles for all the age groups. This provides the theoretical environment that permits the player to learn the essential skills of soccer more easily while maximizing the fun of the play experience. Introductions to how to coach with these manuals will be provided to all coaches each season. You can read more about the developmental coaching model that we follow that is advocated by the US Soccer Federation. We also have many good coaching materials on our coaching resources page.